Search Results For: coding.aspx

Facebook has endeavored to make coding a more efficient process by developing a coding language called Hack. Facebook has been using Hack internally for quite some time, and now the company is open sourcing the tool for anyone to use. “Hack is a programming language for HHVM that interoperates seamlessly with PHP,” reads the “Hack... Read more...
At the intersection of awesome and banal, there’s this:, a terrific site that helps kids learn coding from an early age, has a fun 8-step “puzzle” that lets kids program their own custom version of “Flappy Birds”. It’s a simple drag-and-drop sort of programming with blocks... Read more...
For many, the idea of becoming a coder sounds like a terribly difficult if not esoteric thing, a skill set as exclusive as brain surgery or rocket science. And while being good at coding will open virtually an unlimited number of doors, it’s not as unattainable as it may seem. is a website designed to... Read more...