Wii Becoming More Powerful Than You Can Imagine
“Lightsaber Duels,” the game will feature combat controlled by the player holding the wiimote as if it was his saber handle. The one thing longtime Star Wars fans may be slightly disheartened by, however, is that the game takes place specifically in the Clone Wars film and animated series era. This means characters like Anakin and General Grievous will be present, but characters like Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker likely will not be. There will be destructible environments, the current big game buzzword, and force powers will be a big factor in the game. Cut out a piece of a pillar from the surrounding building, then force throw it at your opponent, for example.
Well, as usual, George Lucas is clueless, but it won't matter. Darth Vader or not, HotHardware predicts this will make the biggest splash in video gaming since you made a DOS boot disk to run Doom on your 486. Due out for the holidays from Krome Studios.