Verizon 3G FaceTime Only on Tiered Data?
The new report concerns Apple's FaceTime video calling service. Reportedly, despite its slower version of 3G (vs. AT&T's), the FaceTime experience on Verizon's 3G network appears to be just fine, but we may not see it anyway. Apple wants to maximize the number of people who can have access to 3G FaceTime, but Verizon wants only tiered data plans to have access.
It's not a new sticking point for some time. It was reported in mid-June that Apple and Verizon were at odds over 3G FaceTime.
The reasoning seems to be similar to AT&T's decision to throttle only unlimited data plans. It could "encourage" those on legacy unlimited data plans to move to tiered data, if they want to use FaceTime. And after all, if they used a lot of data because of FaceTime, that's what those overage fees are for, right?