THQ's Saints Row 4 Coming in August
When THQ went bankrupt a couple of months ago, the first series that popped into my head was Saints Row. Anyone who's played it likely agrees that it's a classic - it takes the traditional FPS formula, puts it in a blender, adds a dash of humor, and becomes a ridiculously fun series. Fortunately, Deep Silver acquired Volition, the series' developer, and it sure didn't take too long before we discovered its fate: Saints Row IV is en route.
With a target launch date of August, it's apparent that IV has been in development for some time - and by the looks of things, if you were a fan of the third game, the fourth iteration is going to be right up your alley.
Need we say more? While Saints Row 3 had some futuristic elements to it, it looks like IV is upping the ante in a very noticeable way. Here, you'll be delving into alien technology and weaponry, enabling you to use superpowers to get the job done. Want to leap over that building? You'll be able to. Run faster than a car? Ditto. Blow someone's head up and pop it like a balloon? Of course.
By all appearances, Saints Row IV uses the exact same engine that the previous one did, but story and content-wise, the game looks to be quite a bit different. On the PC side, I hope IV brings much-improved co-op code - it was never any fun to drive along with your buddy and all of a sudden see them appear outside of your car.