Tech Web Icon Slashdot Turns 15, We Feel a Little Older Too
Featuring user-submitted news in blog format, Slashdot is one of our favorite websites, and one of the most popular around with some 3.7 million unique visitors per month.
"Slashdot exists for and because of everyone who reads the site; thank you for being part of it," Slashdot wrote in a post today.
In addition to thanking its readers for keeping the site afloat for a decade and a half, Slashdot announced it will be featuring user-submitted logos this month, the first of which was swapped out today. The person who submits the best one will win a Nexus 7 tablet; all others will receive an anniversary t-shirt.
Finally, Slashdot said it's trying something new as it eyes up another 15 years. The site plans to unveil a blog with information from the developers and editors, which they'll use to provide updates and background information, as well as answer reader questions in greater detail than what's found in the FAQ.
Happy birthday Slashdot!