Steve Ballmer isn't Fretting Over Piss-Poor Windows Phone 7 Sales

Show of hands, how many of you own a Windows Phone 7 device? Anyone? Truth be told, we didn't expect to see many hands, because everyone's enamored with Android and iOS. The numbers bear that out, and even Steve Ballmer can't ignore them, who admits Microsoft's smartphone platform isn't lighting up the sales charts.

"We haven't sold quite as many as I would have liked in the first year," Ballmer said at the company's financial analyst meeting, according to All Things D.

The HTC TItan is a Windows Phone Mango smartphone that will show up later this year

That doesn't mean Microsoft is willing to throw in the towel. Ballmer says big things are coming to the Windows Phone platform, including DirectX graphics and other goodies.

Ballmer was quick to clarify that he's not saying he loves where Microsoft is currently at in the mobile space, but he remains "very optimistic" on where his company can go. He's especially optimistic about securing a hardware partner in Nokia, which is committed entirely to the Windows Phone platform going forward.