Sprint Demos Wireless Games Streaming Using NVIDIA GRID Cloud Gaming Technology
"For smooth gaming – especially when you’re playing a game on a remote server – you want one with low latency. That’s tough to deliver over wired networks," Sprint CTO and senior vice president Stephen Bye explained in a blog post. "So we figured streaming games would be the perfect way to illustrate not just the speed – but the low latency delivered by our next-generation Sprint Spark wireless network. Just imagine being able to stream the very latest, most graphically-intense game to your mobile device while you’re on the go."
These are the types of applications NVIDIA had in mind when it developed GRID, which offers virtualized GPU computing and remote graphics capabilities. This allows a server to handle heavy compute and rendering workloads, with the output being streamed to lower-power clients.
As for Sprint Spark, it's a super high-speed network currently capable of 50-60Mbps peak speeds. Over time, it will get even faster. Sprint says it's feasible to envision more than 2Gbps of over-the-air speed over time. The plan is to deploy Sprint Spark in 100 of the largest cities in the U.S. within the next three years. It will be used to improve the performance of video and other bandwidth intensive applications, such as gaming.