Sony Backpedals On Android Wear Stance, Says Door Is Open To Using Google's Platform
Oh, but that was yesterday, which might as well have been a century ago. Fast forward all the way to today and Sony is singing a different tune. In a Twitter post, Sony clarified that while it's focused on its own platform right now, the "door's def not close to Android Wear - early days..." Sony had even more to say to CNET, which first reported the previous anti-Android Wear stance.
"We're excited about the potential of Android Wear to extend the mobile OS experience into wearable devices," Sony told CNET in a followup email. "While we are currently focused on our in-market wearable offering, including SmartWatch 2, we continue to work closely with Google as a key partner and continue to evaluate opportunities across a number of areas as we extend our SmartWear Experience."
This is a smart move by Sony. It's not as though the smartwatch market is exactly booming, though it does have its fans. The introduction of Google's Android Wear platform holds potential, and perhaps equally important, it's getting people more excited about the category than they have been.