Samsung Erroneously Adds 128GB SKUs For Galaxy Note 5 And Galaxy S6 Edge+ Phablets
If you followed the coverage yesterday, you know that both smartphones will be available with 32GB or 64GB of storage, depending on the size of your budget. Today, Samsung threw everyone for a loop by putting a 128GB model on its website. Speculation that the company was quietly rolling out 128GB models (after Samsung denied that 128GB models would be offered only yesterday) quickly swamped the Internet and probably caused some headaches for more than a few Samsung employees.
Samsung sprang into action this morning, debunking stories that suggested Samsung was quietly rolling out 128GB models. It planned to update its website to reflect the availability of only the 32GB and 64GB models, though the Galaxy S6 Edge+ was still showing a 128GB model this afternoon.
So, it looks like 64GB is still the best storage you’ll get with the Galaxy Note 5 or Galaxy S6 Edge+. As we noted earlier, that would be less of an issue if the devices had microSD slots, but Samsung didn’t put such slots in either device, apparently in an attempt to make the phones have more of an iPhone vibe.
That hasn’t been sitting well with customers, who liked the flexibility that came with being able to add storage cards. “If I’d wanted an iPhone, I would have bought one. You’ve lost me as a customer, Samsung,” wrote SkyBill40 in response to our coverage of the missing microSD slots yesterday.