Samsung Completely Disinterested in Buying RIM or Licensing BlackBerry OS
Samsung was quick to squash rumors of a potential buyout and told Reuters that it's absolutely not interested in acquiring RIM, nor is the mobile handset maker entertaining the idea of licensing BB 10. Fresh data from International Data Corporation reveals that Samsung accounted for nearly half -- 44 percent -- of all Android smartphone shipments in the second quarter of 2012, which is more than the next seven Android players combined, so it's no big surprise Samsung would rather forge ahead with Google's OS.

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At the same time, Samsung isn't totally faithful to Android. The handset maker also builds Windows Phone devices and dabbles with its own mobile OS platform called Bada. With that in mind, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for Samsung to give BB 10 a run, it just seems highly unlikely, given that Samsung is usually quick to stomp out RIM rumors each time they pop up.