Samsung / Google Android Event Scheduled for Oct. 4
We already know the answer to part of that: "Ice Cream Sandwich," which is still to receive a number, but which we'll guess is 4.0. ICS is supposed to unify the tablet and smartphone experiences on Android devices.
The second thing they will introduce is some sort of Samsung Android phone. It will be the next-generation of Google developer phones, the successor to the Samsung Nexus S which was in turn the successor to the HTC Nexus One. The current name being bandied about is the Samsung Nexus Prime.
It's all rumor, and would be discounted as inferior to an iPhone 5 by iDevice fans, but the Nexus Prime is rumored to be a super-phone, hardware-spec wise. It will carry the requisite dual-core processor, with 4.5-inch or 4.65-inch screen, and will include 4G. For the first time, also, it's rumored Google will move away from an unlocked phone, one that will work on T-Mobile or AT&T frequencies, and put the device on Verizon's LTE network.

For iDevice lovers, Oct. 4 is a day to watch. For Android lovers, it's Oct. 11. Both days will be big days for those who love technology.