Red Mac Pro Designed by Jony Ive, Marc Newson Fetches $977,000 in Charity Auction
The Mac Pro is the same one that Apple will begin selling to the public in December, except it has a red exterior rather than a black one. Non-auction models will have a starting price of $3,000, well south of the $977,000 the red model fetched, which was expected to bring in between $40,000 and $60,000.

Bidders really came through for charity. A pair of solid gold Apple earbuds added another $461,000 to the charity auction, and those were expected to sell for $25,000. There was also a specially designed Leica M for (RED) camera that pulled in $1.8 million; it was expected to generate a winning bid in the $750,000 range.
Another item Ive and Newson collaborated on was a one-of-a-kind aluminum desk expected to bring in no more than $500,000. Instead, the winning bidder forked over $1.68 million for the table with legs.