Pope Uses iPad 2 to Fire Off First Tweet

In the Bible it says, "And on the eighth day, God said, 'Let there be Twitter so man can post what he had for lunch.' So God made Twitter and celebrities flocked to the social networking site in a race to gain the most fans." Er, wait a minute, that doesn't sound right. So maybe God had nothing to do with Twitter, that hasn't stopped the microblogging service from attracting users from all over the world, including the Pope.

The Vatican on Tuesday announced a new site, News.va, to bring news of the Vatican to those plugged into social networking. It includes a Twitter ticker, a video channel, Vatican Radio, and a handful of social networking goodies. To make sure the new site received as much attention as possible, Pope Benedictus XVI sent out the introductory tweet -- his first tweet ever, in fact -- using an iPad 2 tablet.

"Dear Friends, I just launched News.va Praised be our Lord Jesus Christ! With my prayers and blessings, Benedictus XVI," the Pope tweeted.

So there you have it. If you were raised Catholic, using an iPad 2 and posting messages on Twitter are at least two things you don't have to feel guilty about doing, that is unless you're posting about your drunken escapades and weekend orgy.