PopCap Games Confirms Plants vs. Zombies Sequel for Summer Release
The original PvZ game featured a variety of zombies (or "walkers," as many people now know them as) intent on crossing your lawn, destroying your plants, and breaking into your home in search for tasty brains.

An earlier press release promised the sequel would see a spring release, though that's obviously now been pushed back. It also revealed that the follow-up title "will feature hordes of new plant and zombie types and mulch more," pun fully intended, we presume. It will be interesting to see if the Michael Jackson zombie returns, as the character was originally created before the pop singer passed away in real life.
In related news, PopCap announced the limited, regional launch of Plants vs. Zombies Adventures beta, which is the first social adaptation of the game for Facebook.

"Plants vs. Zombies Adventures is a highly accessible, zombie-zapping adaptation of the original game designed specifically for Facebook," said Curt Bererton, head of PopCap’s San Francisco studio where Plants vs. Zombies Adventures was designed and developed. "The game not only offers up exclusive new plants and zombies along with old favorites, it features all-new forms of zombie combat that will open PvZ to a whole new world. We like to think we’re creating a brand new twist on the classic Plants vs. Zombies that is the most social, shareable and expansive Plants vs. Zombies experience ever."
Between these announcements and Amazon's Zombieland pilot, it looks like fans of the undead will have plenty to keep them busy following the season finale of The Walking Dead this Sunday.