Pogoplug NAS Device Review
For many, just the thought of setting up and using a network attached storage (NAS) device makes their eyes cross and their pulses increase. While even the technophobic recognize the benefits of having a network-based repository of files for sharing and backup, the concept can still seem daunting to some. The reality is that NAS devices have become surprisingly easy to set up and use, but most still require at least a modicum of networking knowhow. In a bid to allay the fears of even the greenest of computer users, however, CloudEngine's Pogoplug makes setting up and using a NAS device as easy as it can possibly be.
The Pogoplug is the size of large AC adapter. It has Ethernet and USB ports; and instead of using built-in hard drives for storage, you provide your own USB-based drive, such as an external USB hard drive or USB thumb drive. The Pogoplug should be accessible over a network connection by any device with a built-in Web browser; but CloudEngines also offers free client apps for accessing the Pogoplug directly from within Windows XP and Vista, the Mac OS, and Linux, where the Pogoplug simply appears as connected drive. CloudEngines even has a free iPhone app for accessing the Pogoplug on your iPhone or iPod touch. Click the link below and check it out...
Pogoplug NAS Device Review