NVIDIA's Tesla GPUs Transform China Oil Industry

And here you were thinking that NVIDIA was stretching its bounds by dabbling in the CPU and nettop arenas. Today -- out of nowhere, really -- NVIDIA has jointly announced with GeoStar that its hardware and software solution will "transform seismic computation for oil and gas companies in China." Bold words, huh?

As the story goes, GeoStar is a leading Chinese geophysical services provider, and it's planning to utilize NVIDIA's Tesla GPUs to push its seismic software suite and "dramatically accelerates the performance of complex seismic data." By linking up with NVIDIA, the computation of large datasets generated by searching the earth for oil deposits can be achieved in smaller, more power efficient GPU based systems as compared to CPU-only based clusters.

Liu Qin, general manager of GeoStar, further explains: "We are dealing with large prestack time migration datasets, which typically take more than 30 hours to run on a cluster of 66 CPUs. ust a single Tesla C1060 GPU delivers roughly the same computing power, which means we can get orders of magnitude performance increases as we add more GPUs, while dramatically saving power and cost. Tesla GPUs are truly a revolutionary solution for oil and gas exploration." We're told that the Institute of Geology and Geophysics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has spent recent months testing the Tesla GPUs with GeoStar’s solution, and in a computation of prestack time migration data covering 740 square kilometers, 24 Tesla GPUs completed the processing more than 600 times faster than a traditional cluster with 66 CPUs -- a result which CAS researchers believe can be improved through additional tuning.

So really, maybe the question is what can't NVIDIA do?

Tags:  Nvidia, GeoStar, Gas, Oil