No Man’s Sky Path Finder Update Adds Ground Vehicle For Easier Planetary Roaming
The big news here is that the Path Finder update will include a new vehicle that allows gamers to explore their home planet more easily. Hello Games views this as "building on the Foundation update to hint at a path ahead for the future." Unfortunately that is all Hello Games had to say about the Path Finder update, with a promise of detailed patch notes when it goes live.
It is not clear if this will be a large patch like the Foundation update or a smaller one. We suspect the latter—the Foundation update was sort of akin to hitting the reset button, as it put in place a new foundation for Hello Games to build upon. As part of that, it added two new game modes, Creative and Survival. It also tweaked several features, added some visual upgrades, and introduced a new motion blur option intended to accentuate the feeling of speed, particularly in flight.
Since then, Hello Games has issued several smaller patches.
"Shortly after we launched the Foundation Update, we released a number of patches to address issues reported by players before beginning work on the Path Finder update. We were surprised and excited by the response to Foundation, and we have been listening carefully to community feedback since then. To those of you who have spent time sharing feedback, whether positive or negative, we are listening. This is the next step in our journey. It shows the path forward. We hope you’ll join us," Hello Games said.
User reviews for No Man's Sky are still listed as "mostly negative," both for the overall number of reviews (76,919) and recent ones (542). However, a third of the reviews posted in the last 30 days are marked as "positive."