New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie Reverses Garden State's Ban On Tesla Direct Sales
The reversal in New Jersey should assuage the vitriol that passed between Tesla and the Christie administration last year, which saw the car company accuse the Governor's office of having "gone back on its word" and acting on behalf of "a special interest group looking to protect its monopoly at the expense of New Jersey consumers." It may also have further reaching consequences in the three states in which Tesla has attempted to open stores but been rebuffed — Texas, Arizona, and Maryland — and also in a number of other states whose current laws also prohibit or severely restrict direct sales by car manufacturers (states in which Tesla operates "galleries" in lieu of actual stores).
Tesla issued an email statement following the signing of the new law, with company executive Diarmuid O'Connell saying "We are proud to tell New Jersey that we are open for business."
The new law in New Jersey requires Tesla to operate at least one service facility in the state, and requires that the company report sales figures to the state as well.