New HotHardware Feature: Reader Voting System
It is Election Day here in the U.S. And we want to take a minute to direct some attention to a new, and very fitting, feature we’ve just rolled out here on HotHardware—a reader voting system. As regular readers may have noticed these past few years, we’ve been making a concerted effort to better engage with our audience and learn not only what it is you want from HotHardware, but what your opinions are on products, industry trends, and technology in general.
The new reader voter system gives you all, and us too, another means to share our opinions and express our like or distaste for product, story, or even a comment from another reader. If you poke around the site, you’ll find three new additions to our various pages. First, there are new thumbs up and thumbs down buttons integrated into each comment made to a news post or article discussion.
Reader Comment Voting System
If you find something we or another reader has said particularly useful or unhelpful, you can now let us / them know with a quick click of your mouse.
The other new additions to the site are visible on article pages and in the right-hand margin, in the “Hot Stuff on HotHardware” feature box.
Vote For Hot Products or Articles
At the very top of article pages, we have integrated a “Vote” button that allows you to “like” a particular article. And in the “Hot Stuff” box, we have integrated a new “Products” tab. The articles with the highest number of like votes will be sorted in ascending order in this box for now, but this data will also help us to create “Best of”, "Worst of" and other similar lists in a variety of different categories.
The voting system is brand new and we’re still discussing all of the different possibilities having all of this new data will enable, but we need your help to not only bang on the system to make sure it's working properly, but to also voice your opinions. So, if you have a few moments, do a little browsing around HotHardware, persue a few articles, and vote up the ones you like. And as always, if you have feedback--good or bad--we want to hear it. So comment here as well and let us know what you think.