Microsoft Outs "Kinect" Pricing, New Console

If you've been anxiously awaiting Microsoft's Kinect motion controller, get in line - so has everyone else. While you're waiting, work on coming to terms with the fact that it isn't going to be cheap. Microsoft announced pricing for its Kinect sensor this week, saying it will sell the device for $150, which comes with "Kinect Adventures," a game filled with "20 adventures."

"Kinect for Xbox 360 offers tremendous entertainment value for the whole family," said Dennis Durkin, Xbox 360 chief operating officer. "With full body, voice, and the ability to play games with your friends right out of the box, Kinect is the most unique, complete, and affordable way for everyone to enjoy controller-free fun and entertainment."

Calling it "affordable" is up for debate, at least as a standalone product. A little more intriguing is a new Xbox 360 bundle, which includes an Xbox 360 4GB console, the Kinect sensor, and "Kinect Adventures" for $300. Even then, gamers are likely to scoff at 300 clams for an HDD-less console.

If you're not put off by the price, Microsoft says select retailers have begun taking pre-orders for both the console bundle and standalone motion controller. The two will begin shipping on August 3, 2010.