LG's 55-Inch OLED 'Wallpaper' Display Has Magnetic Personality
To give some perspective, LG's current flagship 55-inch display
is 4.3mm thick - in one fell swoop, the company managed to decrease the overall
thickness to less than 25% of the current model available. It's no wonder this
is referred to as a "wallpaper" panel, as applying it to a wall would
probably feel pretty similar to putting up wallpaper.
(Source: LG Display)
Because it'd be difficult to mount such a thin display, this one
affixes itself to the wall via magnetic mat. We're not sure how much thickness that adds, but if the example in the photo
above is anything to go by, the entire setup is going to be ridiculously flush
with the wall.
Not surprisingly, availability hasn't been announced, and given the technology at play here, I am not even sure it'd be safe to take a guess at what the finished product would cost. I'm thinking shipping costs, however, wouldn't be too bad!