Lenovo Smartband SW-B100 Tracks Fitness, Sleep, Heart Rate And Logs Into Your PC
As you might expect, it'll track things like steps taken, distance moved, calories burned, and current heart rate, and it'll graph all of those statistics for monthly/yearly log viewing. If you choose to wear it overnight, it'll also track sleep hours and quality. Interestingly, there's also integration with other smart devices, which will pop up an SMS or call alert if it's paired with a Bluetooth smartphone. There's a simple reminder for alerts, too, as well as SNS sharing.

According to documentation, the band should also be able to log in to a connected PC nearby, bypassing the conventional password. This is certainly a unique way to bypass a hassle that no one truly enjoys, and it's certainly more secure. Of course, whether or not your IT department will enable such a function on a corporately-managed machine is another thing entirely.
The full reveal should happen in the coming weeks, but for now, early reports suggest that Android Wear won't be used; instead, a more basic OS will be installed so that Lenovo can both have more control as well as promise enhanced battery life.