Late-night 7800GTX SLI action

It's late on a Saturday night/early morning and things are quiet around the HH labs except for one dedicated (crazed perhaps?) Tech Editor.  A shot of the mayhem is below...

We got a hold of a couple of Asus' soon to be available GeForce 7800GTXs - entitled the "Extreme N7800GTX Top".  These cards are clocked at 486MHz core and 1.35GHz on their GDDR3 memory, right out of the box.  Strap down a pair of them in conjunction with an Athlon 64 FX-57 and the benchmark run-times are cut down nearly in half in most cases.  We'll be following up with a full showcase of the cards in weeks ahead but I thought I'd toss out a bit of a tease for you in case you needed a tech drool fix. (I know, nice legs eh?)

Have a good one all!

Tags:  sli, GTX, GT, 7800, AC, 780, action, ACT