Intel's MXC Interconnect Could Transfer 1.6 Terabits Per Second

Intel is no stranger to crafting high-speed interconnects, and in case you've grown bored with USB 3.0, FireWire, and Thunderbolt, the company seems to already be planning on whatever is next. The codename right now is MXC, and according to Intel, it can " carry up to 1.6 terabits per second and is smaller than the connectors used today."

The proper plans are expected to be revealed in San Francisco at the Intel Developer Forum next month, and it will be based on two years of work with Corning Cable Systems. Obviously, a cable that fast would be able to handle an almost insane amount of data. 4K video feeds? No problem. Terabytes of data changing hands? Yeah, that won't take long.

The only question beyond what's told, of course, is adoption. We can only wonder if Intel has shared prototype plans with partners; we'd love for this stuff to hit commercial machines sooner rather than later.
Tags:  Intel, Transfer, Speed, cable, mxc