If Plants Can’t Grow Near Your WiFi Router, Imagine What It’s Doing to Your Body

It's a wireless world we live in these days, and unless you reside in an isolated area far removed from civilization and devoid of electronic gadgets, you can't walk from the bedroom to the bathroom without bonking into a barrage of wireless signals. Should we be concerned? So far so good -- we haven't mutated as a species to carry around a third arm or anything of that nature, though there are something interesting things to observe in this Wi-Fi society we've built up.

One of them is recent research by a group of 9th grade female students from Denmark who discovered that the wireless radiation from routers prevents nearby plants from growing, Natural News reports. The five students decided to conduct the experiment after discovering that they each had trouble concentrating in school if they slept near their mobile phones the previous night. School budgets being what they are (poor), they were unable to pursue the experiment, so they switched gears and started testing the effects of Wi-Fi radiation on plants.


They used six trays of Lepidium sativum (garden cress) seeds, splitting them up in equal amounts in a room next to two Wi-Fir routers and a room without any radiation. By the 12th day, seeds near the routers either didn't grow or had died; the seeds in the other room sprouted normally.

Granted, the makeup of plants is very different than that of humans, but it sure does make you wonder if maybe you should relocate that wireless router from the bedroom to the basement.

At the same time, the experiment has come under fire, more of which you can read here.