Humane Reportedly Seeks A Buyer After AI Pin Flop, Wants Up To $1 Billion

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Humane is looking to sell the business after its AI pin got panned by reviewers, with some calling it the worst product they’ve ever had to review. According to Bloomberg, Humane is hoping to sell from anywhere between “$750 million and $1 billion,” although that’s probably extremely hopeful considering just how poorly its first product was received.

Humane was hoping that its AI pin could be a device that would bring a paradigm shift. One where users would wholly interact with AI using voice commands alongside gestures that work with a laser projected onto a user’s hand instead of relying on a device like a smartphone. Unfortunately, the experience for users was less than ideal with the AI pin failing to deliver anywhere near the experience of its initial introductory video.

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The AI pin has several issues, which include a delay in responses to user queries because it has to reach out to the cloud for processing, which just make it a test in patience more than anything else. There’s also an issue where the device would absolutely trash the battery, which lead to very short battery life and the pin heating up to the point of leaving red marks on some reviewers. Even carrying around an extra battery pack that Humane sells isn’t enough to salvage the battery situation.

To make matters worse for Humane, finding a potential buyer will be tough with Apple, Google, and Microsoft all working to integrate AI into devices. These solutions will most likely be able to provide a much better experience and work on hardware that consumers are used to having in their lives. So, the landscape for AI offering is about to get a lot more difficult for any new entrants.