HP Working On Color E-Paper Displays For Next-Gen E-Readers
But Hewlett-Packard, a company that isn't often associated with cutting-edge display technologies, may have something in mind. If their efforts in this space continue to progress, the first color Kindle may indeed have an HP display within. Of course, that's a long shot possibility today, but the company has dedicated research to creating synthetic materials that will allow them to create brighter low-power displays that can display color images. According to a new report at Technology Review, HP has "developed a composite material that converts blue and green light into red

Basically, HP has figured out a way to toy with science in a fashion that makes color e-ink a lot less of an impossibility. The real question, though, is how quickly can HP turn this into something that's affordable and able to be mass produced. But with the iPad and other long-lasting color tablets breaking into the e-reader market, it couldn't come fast enough.