HP Still Deciding What to Do With webOS

Hewlett-Packard's recently appointed CEO Meg Whitman already made one tough decision since taking over for Leo Apotheker, and that was whether or not to go ahead with plans to dump the company's PC division. She (wisely) chose not to, and the next big decision has to do with webOS. After meeting with company bigwigs last night to decide the fate of webOS, Whitman and the gang came to the conclusion that they need more time to think about it.

"It's really important to me to make the right decision, not the fast decision," Whitman told a room full of Palm and HP employees last night, according to The Verge.

Having already made one tough decision recently, perhaps HP CEO Meg Whitman should consult a Magic 8 ball for advice on what to do with webOS.

Whitman told employees that if HP does ultimately decide to keep webOS, the company plans "to do it in a very significant way over a multi-year period." In other words, HP doesn't want to simply sit on its acquisition and let it fester, but the problem is "it's a very expensive proposition."

It's understandable that HP wants to take its time with this one. Should HP decide to sell off webOS, it would likely find plenty of buyers willing to pony up hundreds of millions of dollars, but the chances of recouping the entire $1.2 billion HP paid for Palm is slim to none.