How To Claim Star Wars Battlefront II Free For A Limited Time On PC

When the game first came out, it was more than a bit rough around the edges and drew a lot of complaints from gamers. The most infuriating aspect of the game was its loot system, which made progression and unlocking some of the most cherished characters a time-laden (or expensive) proposition. However, Electronic Arts and DICE worked through the kinks over the years and have massaged Battlefront II to be a worthy Star Wars game to add to your collection.

The Epic Games Store is offering up Star Wars Battlefront II: Celebration Edition, and there is a ton of extra content included in this version of the game, which Epic describes:
Be the hero in the ultimate STAR WARS™ battle fantasy with STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II: Celebration Edition! Get STAR WARS Battlefront II and the complete collection of customization content acquirable through in-game purchase from launch up to – and including – items inspired by STAR WARS™: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER™.
Any content and cosmetics that were released after December 20th, 2019, however, are not included with the Celebration Edition. But since the Epic Games Store is giving the game away for free, we're not going to quibble over that perceived slight.
Star Wars Battlefront II: Celebration Edition is free for you to claim from now until January 21st. After that point, the next free title on the docket from the Epic Games Store will be Galactic Civilizations III. You can claim your free copy of Star Wars Battlefront II: Celebration Edition by hitting up this link to the Epic Games Store.