Here’s How To Test Google’s Experimental Fuchsia OS In Your Web Browser

Maybe at some point in the future, Google will replace Android with Fuchsia, a mysterious operating system that popped up on GitHub in 2016. Or maybe not—we really have no idea, because hasn't talked about Fuchsia, leaving us to wonder and speculate. In the absence of any kind of announcement or official information, there is a rough demo version of Fuchsia that you can play with in your web browser.
There is not a whole lot you can do, but it's nice to be able to see it in action, even if just briefly, especially if you're not a developer and have no interest in poking around the code and assets that Google has available to download on GitHub.
The demo that appears was not created by Google, but a third-party. You can check it out by hitting the source link (or click here). When it loads, click on the plus sign and select Guest, which will bring you to the homepage. This is where you'll get glimpse of Fuchsia. There are no apps to play with, just a couple of placeholders at the top of the screen. However, you do see that Google is pushing its search and ecosystem front and center.
Fuchsia is built on a newer kernel called Zircon, as opposed to being Linux-based like Android and Chrome OS. From what we know so far, it appears capable of running on an assortment of devices, including smartphones, tablets of various sizes, and computers. More recently it gained a user interface, though obviously what you see in the demo is subject to change by the Fuchsia launches (assuming it will).
Judging by the early demo, it also appears that Google leaning towards a more Chrome OS-like interface and feel rather than Android, but again that is subject to change. If you load the demo on an Android phone, it will display the device's actual battery life and network status, rather than generic ones, which is pretty neat. It also looks best on a smartphone or tablet, rather than viewing it through a browser on a PC.
Give it a look and tell us what you think.