Google Sends Street View Cameras To The Galapagos Islands

So, what to do? Get Google out there to capture everything right now, so that images can be shared with the world at large. Google announced this week, n partnership with Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) and the Galapagos National Parks Directorate (GNPD), that is has collected panoramic imagery of the islands with the Street View Trekker. These stunning images will be available on Google Maps later this year so people around the world can experience this remote archipelago.
Google took a 10-day trek to the islands to capture 360-degree images of the unique wildlife and geological features of the islands with the Trekker. 10 locations were picked, and those 10 were pored over using body-mounted cameras. Even underwater ecosystems were captured. Google's now putting the collection together, and should be ready to introduce it to the world in short order. What would we do without the Internet to educate?