Google Planning Private Airport Facility in San Jose
"We’re pleased that the evaluation process for the development of Mineta San José International Airport’s West Side is now complete, and the recommended outcome will prove to be incredibly prosperous for SJC, the City of San José, and Silicon Valley," said Director of Aviation Bill Sherry. "The Airport completed a $1.4 billion upgrade to the terminal area in 2010, and by adding convenient employee and public parking next to the terminals, this opened up a significant amount of land on the West Side. Now, our focus must be the proposed private development and $82 million investment of the West Side by Signature Flight Support, to support the private aviation needs of local high-tech and other companies, most notably the personal aircraft of the principals at Google."
Blue City Holdings, the company representing Google's fleet of aircraft, is also a partner in the deal. If approved, the deal would generate $2.6 million in annual rent to SJC, along with a minimum annual guartantee of $400,000 in fuel-related revenue to the airport. It would also create 36 permanent on-airport jobs, plus 370 direct and indirect jobs.
The new facility would include an executive terminal, hangars, ramp space to accommodate large business jets (such as the Boeing Business Jet and Boeing B767), and aircraft servicing facilities.