FTC Robocall Challenge Offers $50K Bounty for Innovative Solutions to Block Illegal Robocalls
"Pursuant to its enforcement of the Telemarketing Sales Rule, the FTC has stopped entities responsible for billions of illegal robocalls. However, as technology has continued to advance, the need for new and innovative ways to block these illegal calls has increased. The FTC is challenging innovators to create solutions that will block illegal robocalls now and in the future," the FTC states in a related FAQ.
Image Source: Flickr (TheGiantVermin)
It's a pretty open-ended contest that doesn't require the use of a specific API (Application Programming Language) or any particular device. Submissions will be judged on three main criteria, including:
- Does it work? (weighted at 50 percent)
- Is it easy to use? (weighted at 25 percent)
- Can it be rolled out? (weighted at 25 percent)
Fame and possibly fortune are two other potential perks to winning the contest. The person that submits the winning technology will likely be lauded a "national hero," according to David Vladeck, head of the FTC's consumer protection bureau. In additions, participants retain the intellectual rights to their submissions, so even beyond the $50,000 prize, a winning submission could be worth a lot of money.