Epic's Unreal Engine 4 'Infiltrator' Demo Looks Simply Amazing
For the happy gamer, Unreal Engine 4 offers plenty of new features, which NVIDIA set forth on its GeForce website:
-New material layering system, which provides unprecedented detail on characters and objects
-Dynamically lit particles, which can emit and receive light
-High-quality temporal anti-aliasing, eliminating jagged edges and temporal aliasing
-Thousands of dynamic lights with tiled deferred shading
-Adaptive detail levels with artist-programmable tessellation and displacement
-Millions of particles colliding with the environment using GPU simulation
-Realistic destructibles, such as walls and floors
-Physically based materials, lighting and shading
-Full-scene High Dynamic Range reflections with support for varying glossiness
-Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) profiles for realistic lighting distributions
With that in mind, bask in the graphics goodness in the Infiltrator demo:
For developers, Unreal Engine 4 offers a different set of benefits designed to make developing with the engine faster and easier. Features include Hot Reload to let devs to quickly find and edit C++ code; Code View to browse C++ functions on specific game characters and make changes; Live Kismet Debugging so devs can visualize gameplay code interactively; and more.
Here's another demo just for kicks--the "Elemental" demo: