Drobo Crashes The Cloud With Help From Pogoplug
Using Pogoplug Cloud, customers can turn their Drobo into a multi-terabyte private cloud that provides secure, remote access to their entire digital library of documents, movies, photographs, games and music files. The agreement between Drobo and Pogoplug also provides Drobo users with 10GB of free public cloud storage - ideal for syncing valuable files between Drobo and the cloud. Designed specifically for customers who require storage capacity without the complexity and price of legacy storage, Drobo delivers sophisticated yet easy-to-use and affordable storage solutions for professionals and businesses. Every Drobo is powered by the patented BeyondRAID technology that automates traditional storage challenges such as data protection, capacity expansion, and application performance optimization.

Pogoplug Cloud, delivered by Cloud Engines, has changed the way personal content is stored and delivered over the Internet with the advent of its personal cloud. Pogoplug Cloud provides secure storage of digital media from any location, enabling users to access, share and stream their content from a mobile or connected device. Together Drobo and Pogoplug Cloud offer customers with large personal media files remote access to these files under the security of linking a Drobo appliance to a personal cloud. Looking to sign up? Head to the Via link below!