Cable Operator Achieves A World Record 4.7 Gbit/s Downstream Speed
Customers of Kabel Deutschland living in houses with a modernised inhouse network are already able to surf the internet with up to 100 Mbit/s in the cable network of the city of Schwerin which has been upgraded to 862 MHz. The Schwerin field test shows that an 862 MHz upgraded cable network is able to broadcast download speeds of up to 4.7 Gbit/s.The field test was carried out on a test account in a school in the modernised cable network of the city of Schwerin. Works such as civil engineering were not needed. The 4.7 Gbit/s field test is completely based upon already available standards, technologies and hardware.
How soon until it's something you can buy? Well, we aren't sure of that, but at least someone is pushing in the right direction.