BoxTone Beefs Up Its Enterprise Mobility Management Platform
There are plenty of approaches to managing a mobile fleet, and BoxTone’s is as straightforward as they come: make mobile part of a company’s core IT.
In a press release, Brian Reed, Vice President of Products, BoxTone said “Most MDM [Mobile Device Management] technologies to date have adopted a manual, proprietary approach solely focused on initial device provisioning. With this major advance in our EMM platform, BoxTone has aligned enterprise mobility management with core IT services to help organizations accelerate and sustain mobility initiatives securely, reliably and at the lowest risk and cost.”
BoxTone has now introduced a fully automated policy and compliance management engine with real-time mobile security features, including a dashboard, analytics, alerting, audit reporting and expanded integration with enterprise IT systems. The enhanced features are designed to allow companies to better govern their mobile fleets with the same oversight and security as other critical aspects of IT.
The new features enable companies to simply “extend the enterprise” to include mobile devices by integrating their management with existing systems such as Microsoft Active Directory. BoxTone offers automated security and management to those connected devices, as well as real-time visibility, auditable analytics archive, reporting capabilities, and excellent software.
With the upgrades, BoxTone’s EMM platform covers the entire mobile lifecycle, including mobile device, support, operations, and business management.
The changes to BoxTone’s EMM solution are driven primarily by its Mobile Device Management (MDM) Engine. Here they are in handy bullet form:
* BoxTone Security Management Dashboard: Provides real-time visibility into the global mobile security posture and compliance status – from across the enterprise down to the individual device – with trending information and acute details on security gaps or non-compliance.
* BoxTone Policy Management: Automatically maps and extends existing enterprise policy typically defined and managed in Active Directory, then automatically synchronizes policy adds, changes and removes to all devices with no manual intervention.
* BoxTone Configuration Management: Automatically adjusts device configurations based on changes to mobile and enterprise policies with no manual intervention.
* BoxTone Compliance Management: Continuously monitors the end-to-end security status of all enterprise devices, applications, mobile services, dependent infrastructure and existing security and policy systems, and automatically detects, remediates and logs violations with no manual intervention.
* BoxTone Mobile Analytics: Includes comprehensive data warehouse and Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) reporting to deliver a holistic approach with full audit capabilities and proof of controls.
* BoxTone Platform Integration: The expanded EMM platform integrates with existing security and policy management systems to ensure consistent policy enforcement across the enterprise; eliminates the typical risks associated with traditional MDM tools that create their own separate, gap-riddled policy stove-pipes.