Average Internet Speed in the U.S. Jumps 28 Percent to 7.4Mbps
That's also above the global average of 2.9Mbps and is enough to rank No. 8 on Akamai's list, though the U.S. is still far behind South Korea (No. 1) at 14Mbps. Japan is the only other country to break through 10Mbps with an average connection speed of 10.8Mbps to rank No. 2 on the list.
It's hard to believe a 56K dial-up modem was once considered blazing fast.
Switching focus to the mobile world, Akamai noted an average connection speed of 4.5Mbps and average peak of 16.6Mbps in the U.S. Not surprisingly, most of Akamai's smartphone web data in the U.S. came from Android Webkit users (35.3 percent), followed by Apple Mobile Safari in a close second (32.6 percent). As for all mobile devices, Apple Mobile Safari jumped to 58.7 percent versus Android Webkit at 21.7 percent.'
What kind of connection speeds to you typically see at home and on mobile?