AT&T Announces Galaxy Tab Ship Date: Nov. 21, $649 No Contract

AT&T has finally announced its pricing and launch date for the Samsung Galaxy Tab. Not only is the (still) exclusive carrier of the iPhone the last of the big 4 carriers to announce the info, it will be the last the launch the device.

AT&T will ship the Samsung Galaxy Tab on Nov. 21st. The other carriers have all launched their devices already, with Sprint being the last, thus far, on Sunday.

AT&T's pricing is more than any other carrier. It will be $649 with no carrier subsidy, which also means no contract, at least.   Sprint and T-Mobile offer the Galaxy Tab at $399 subsidized with a two-year contract, while Verizon charges $599 with no contract.  All versions of the Galaxy Tab offered thus far have 3G connectivity.

 AT&T will offer two "pay-as-you-go" contractless data plan options:
  • $14.99 for 30 days with up to 250 MB of usage
  • $25 for 30 days with up to 2 GB of usage.
Those are the same as AT&T's current smartphone data plan tiers, so there is really no surprise there. Additionally, AT&T said that for a limited time, customers will receive a $50 Media Hub Movie Rental credit with a Galaxy Tab purchase.