ASUS Responds To Complaint That Its Quick Release System Is Damaging GPUs

Inside the slot on Asus boards, the Q-Release system uses a small retention clip to lock the card into place. When you need to remove the card, simply pull the connector end up while lifting, and the card pops right out. You might be able to do this a couple of times with no ill effects, but users are starting to notice some real wear and tear on GPUs subjected to Q-Release.
Some users have attempted to quantify the issue by inserting and ejecting a GPU repeatedly. Indeed, after a few dozen cycles, there is significant erosion of the contact pins and the PCB material. One user who contacted Asus Chinese support (below) was reportedly assured the company would address the issue. However, the distance between a support rep acknowledging an issue and the company as a whole making changes can be vast.
For now, anyone with an Asus Q-Release Slim motherboard should try to limit how often they pop out the GPU. That shouldn't be terribly hard—most of the people swapping GPUs dozens of times are modders and reviewers. The average gamer will only have to remove a GPU on rare occasions, and when they do, the Q-Release system might be preferable to fiddling with a release lever.The quick release design on ASUS intel 800/AMD 800 series motherboards can damage the graphics card PCB.
— HXL (@9550pro) January 24, 2025
ASUS tony response: will contact to solve the problem.
As far as we're currently aware, using Q-Release only a few times won't damage your GPU. It's still smart to use extreme caution, though, since the GPU is probably the most expensive component in your PC.