Archos has a history of pumping out low-cost tablets and PMPs, albeit ones with relatively high-quality given the price charged. Now, the company has revealed the Arnova 9 G2 tablet, with a 1GHz ARM A8 processor, 9.7" IPS display, 1024x768 screen resolution and Android 2.3. That's right, Gingerbread. These days, we're expecting Android tablets to ship with at least Honeycomb, if not a promise to upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich. It's a bit hard to justify a tablet of this size running Android 2.3, but we suspect the price point will be low enough to still entice those who couldn't care less.
We've heard that it will ship for 250 Euros in Europe, but there's no word on a U.S. price just yet. The real question is this: will any Android tablet really stand a chance now that the Kindle Fire has drawn a $199 line in the sand?