Apple Revises iPad Backlight to Reduce Overheating
It's not as far fetched as it sounds. As the report goes, Apple is revising the iPad 3's backlight module, moving from a two-LED structuring to one that uses a single LED. Apparently Apple feels the extra LED is compounding overheating issues some users are having, and by going with a single-LED solution, the Retina Display will draw less power from the battery and ultimately run a little bit cooler as a result.
At the same time, the LED change is said to have no effect on luminosity or clarity of the much hyped Retina Display. The way it's being spun is that a one-LED system provides nothing but upside, not only reducing heat while maintaining the same luminosity, but resulting in a slightly thinner and lighter tablet compared to current models.
If that's truly the case, it begs the question why Apple didn't go with a single-LED solution to begin with.