Android 8.0 Oreo Users Complain Of Bluetooth Issues, Google Scrambles For A Fix
More specifically, both Nexus and Pixel owners are experiencing Bluetooth problems when connecting to wireless speakers, headphones and even Android Auto within their vehicles. Users report problems ranging from audio skipping, to audio completely cutting out to incomplete track information displayed on their dashboards.
“Nexus 5x: No sound when connected using android auto, I have not tried with just maps,” writes Abhishek Latyan in the Nexus Help Forum. “Removed the device and paired it back, but still the same issue. Some time the screen turns black and then appears back again.”
“Pixel XL issues only with Kenwood DDX9703S head unit,” adds Mattinator. “Bluetooth refuses to connect to headunit with or without Android Auto, I've factory reset the head unit but that didn't help. Haven't reset my phone to help though. I also have Parrot Zik 3 headphones and a Jawbone Jambox that both seem to work flawlessly.”
Some users are reporting that Bluetooth connection problems have lingered throughout the Developer Preview phase of Android 8.0’s gestation, so it’s a bit troubling that the problems still haven’t been completely ironed out with the public release. Luckily, only the most hardcore Android users have already downloaded Android Oreo at this point, and they are all running on Google-supported hardware. Now that the problem is out in the public, Google is being more receptive to tracing the source of the Bluetooth problems so that it can issue a fix.
In order to help push a fix through faster, Google has reached out to Android Oreo users via both the Nexus User Community and the Pixel User Community. “Some of you have been reporting Bluetooth issues after accepting the latest OTA update, Android 8.0 Oreo,” writes Community Manager Orrin. “We'd like to get some additional information so we can look into this more.”
Orrin goes on to ask for the year/make/model of cars affected with Bluetooth syncing issues along with the brand and model of headphones and wireless speakers that exhibit any irregularities.
“Feel free to include any other relevant information as well. I am going to start compiling patterns and I'll be reaching out to many of you privately for bug reports.”
It’s nice to see Google engaging in with users this early into the game, and hopefully a fix can be in place before the Pixel 2 and Pixel XL 2 debut on October 5th.