An Introduction To AMD Spin-Off Global Foundries
Early last week, we spent a day or so with a number of representatives from Global Foundries, learning about the company's plans for a new fab that will be built in upstate New York. The name Global Foundries may be unfamiliar to many of you, but the company's origins may not. If you remember back to October 2008, AMD and the Advanced Technology Investment Company (ATIC) of Abu Dhabi announced the creation of a leading-edge global semiconductor manufacturing company, born from AMD's existing fabrication infrastructure. That company officially became Global Foundries on March 2 of this year.
While touring the area in Upstate New York where Global Foundries plans to build its cutting edge fab, we heard from a number of representatives about the company's plans. The facility will be called Fab 2. It will be a 300mm wafer manufacturing facility designed for 32/22nm process technologies. The plant will require an approximate $4.5B initial investment, have a 300,000sq/ft Class 100 Clean Room, and it is expected to come online some time in 2012. More details are available at the URL below...
An Introduction To AMD Spin-Off Global Foundries