Hammacher Schlemmer has a wide, wide variety of wares. It carries
everything from cups to
3D webcams, so it's no surprise to hear that it
also carries electric skateboards that even Marty McFly would be
jealous of. The newest gizmo to grace the company's electronic
storefront is the 19-MPH Skateboard, which is exactly what you'd think:
a motorized skateboard that travels at up to 19 mph.
The board is powered by a 36-Volt battery and it hosts a 600-watt
motor; it's capable of hitting its top speed in just 4 seconds, and it
can supposedly head up hills and over terrain without issue. Both
acceleration and braking are handled via a remote wireless trigger, and
the battery provides a range of up to 10 miles from a four-hour charge.
It weighs 40 pounds, and it has 4"-diameter solid urethane wheel; it's
10.5" wide and is built from a maple veneer wood. It'll handle loads up
to 225 lbs., and it's a surefire way to make any dream come true this
Christmas. It's available now for $599.95, and we hear insurance is
exceptionally cheap.