Search Results For: raid.aspx

Back in December, online backup provider Backblaze presented a simple question: "Enterprise Drives: Fact or Fiction?" The answer, at least based-upon the company's small sampling of drives (over 10,000 "drive hours" were tested), it was discovered that enterprise drives don't necessarily live longer. In fact, in... Read more...
A wise man once said, "I pity the fool... who doesn't backup their data", and despite having just made that up, it's a piece of guidance that I stand behind 100%. Part of the reason I feel so strongly about backing-up important data is that on two occasions in the past, I have been foolish enough to lose data because I... Read more...
Speed. It's all about speed. And hasn't that always been the case? In the PC world, things never seem to run fast enough, and Promise Technology is hoping to make things hum along even faster when it comes to data transmission. They have just developed a Thunderbolt-equipped RAID storage device for the masses, adopting a technology that Apple's... Read more...
Data Robotics is hardly a startup any more. At this point, they're a well-known name in the storage business, and they're still just about the only company out there with automated backup solutions like the Drobo. It's more like a storage robot than a dumb RAID box, and while the company has focused mostly on consumers thus far, they're now... Read more...