The Future is Fiber: C Spire Readies Google Fiber Competitive Service
C Spire Fiber to the Home would bring 1Gbps+ services to portions of the country that may be struggling to get any high-speed options at all, and moreover, it's asking consumers everywhere to vote on where the service should go. "As a brand that's been pushing the envelope of innovation our entire existence, it's only natural for us to want to provide the 'what's next' to the customers we serve," said Hu Meena, president and CEO of C Spire Wireless. "The 'what's next' is now here and we're ready to release the power of 1 Gig fiber to communities that want to experience the immediate and lasting benefits of 100 times the speed and 100 times the opportunities."
C Spire's Fiber to the Home service will be available to any community near an existing fiber route that opens its arms to welcome it, with fast-track permitting and homeowner pre-registration. It issued a "Get Fiber First" call-to-action, giving local residents, business owners and municipal leaders throughout Mississippi, the opportunity to pronounce why their town needs, wants and will benefit from fiber. Beyond that, there's hope that fiber could string to other states as well. From hospitals to schools to hardcore gamers, it's hard to see how entire towns wouldn't benefit tremendously from a reliable, ultra-high-speed Internet option. Hopefully it'll catch on in a major way, particularly for those stuck using expensive and slow satellite options.