Apple Settles In-App Purchase Class Action Suit, Get Your Piece of the Pie

Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other caregivers the world over who let their little charges play with iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches have probably all at one time or another experienced the cold sweat that comes with the fear that Junior may have gone crazy making in-app purchases in whatever game he’s been into lately.

It’s happened enough that Apple has had to deal with a class action lawsuit over kids racking up purchases on an iTunes account that belonged to a parent or caregiver. Now Apple has offered a settlement in which affected users can opt for a single $5 iTunes gift card; an iTunes store credit equal to the amount a minor charged to your account without your assent; or cash, if you no longer have an iTunes account. If the amount Apple owes you exceeds $30, you can also get your remittance in cash.

Apple class action

To get paid, you’ll have to submit a claim form, which asks for your name, address, and Apple ID; you’ll also have to confirm the following:


“You will also have to attest that you: (a) paid for Qualified Game Currency Charges that a minor charged to your iTunes account without your knowledge or permission; (b) did not knowingly enter your iTunes password to authorize any such purchases and did not give your password to the minor to make any such purchases; and (c) did not receive a refund from Apple for those charges.”

$5 isn’t much, but if you lost a lot of money on child-initiated in-app purchases, this is your chance to get it back.