Ayaneo Teases Its First External GPU To Give Handhelds A Big Gaming Boost

Video game handhelds are experiencing a renaissance period like never before, with a myriad of devices released during the last several years. Ayaneo is one such company that is producing these devices at a breakneck pace, and now it is adding to the accessories mix. 

The Ayaneo AG01 Graphics Starship external GPU has been teased with a release date of May 18th, 2024 at 12AM PST. Inspired by retro and space-themed aesthetics, it appears this will be some sort of external GPU for adding extra horsepower to portable devices. External GPUs have been popular for years, even reaching laptops and Intel Apple MacBook Pro models for more graphical firepower. 

While details are sparse for Ayaneo's AG01 Graphics Starship, we can gander a guess as to some of its utility. With USB 4 and OCuLink possible on these type of devices, it is likely we will see other USB or display ports as well. Whether it may pack an internal mobile GPU such as the AMD Radeon models found on other external GPUs is still unknown, however. It also remains unclear if it will have PCIe slots for adding a discreet GPU, making it more likely to already include a mobile GPU. 


The Ayaneo AG01 Graphics Starship certainly does live up to its name, aesthetically appearing as a starship with various nuanced touches. It's not alone, as there is competition afoot in the market already. The OneXGPU Dock has many ports such as HDMI, USB, Ethernet, and supports OCuLink. The star of the show there is the embedded AMD Radeon RX 7600M XT GPU, providing a big boost to mobile devices. 

Handheld or mini-PCs often benefit from the addition of an external GPU due to simple physics. Being smaller devices often built to meet a certain price point, the internals can only handle so much GPU power before things get out of hand. External solutions add not only versatile practicality to these devices in the ways of extra connectivity, but it adds a nice power boost, too. 

steam deck

Handheld devices have one particular device to thank for the increased interest, and that's the Valve Steam Deck. Being able to play the latest PC games with respectable graphics and performance on a small handheld has opened the gaming market significantly. While Nintendo has the popular Switch, that device is more locked in to its ecosystem. Devices like the Steam Deck open up the possibilities for much more variety. 

Companies such as Ayaneo have benefited from the surge in popularity of these devices. By introducing Android handheld devices such as the Pocket S, Ayaneo has added to the variety on the existing market. With the AG01 Graphics Starship external GPU, it can now allow enthusiasts to take gaming to the next level and still keeping portability open when needed.