Visiontek GeForce 4 Ti 4600!

The Visiontek GeForce 4 Ti 4600! - Page 4

The Visiontek GeForce 4 Ti 4600
The NV25 hits retail shelves!

By - Marco Chiappetta
March 20, 2002

We left Quake 3 set to the same "High Quality" options as in the previous test, but we enabled AA and tested the cards again at the same resolutions.  Later on we dabbled with Anisotropic filtering as well, and that's when things got very interesting!. 

OpenGL Benchmarks with Quake 3 with AA
More GL Torture


The performance delta between these two cards gets even larger when Anti-Aliasing is enabled.  At all resolutions, the GeForce 4 Ti 4600 decimated the 8500LE, as well it should considering it also cost almost 2X the price of the Radeon 8500LE card.  What is most interesting to me is that even at 1600x1200 with 2X AA enabled, the GeForce 4 Ti 4600 is completely playable at just over 70FPS.

NVIDIA claims that through architectural enhancements, the GeForce 4 Ti is now capable of running their Quincunx AA mode at the exact same performance levels of their 2X AA, and they are right, for the most part!  At 1024 and 1280, Quincunx AA was just as fast as 2X AA, but once we hit 1600X1200, things changed a bit and Quincunx lagged behind 2X AA by about 9FPS.  It seems that as more memory bandwidth is used, Quincunx causes a larger performance drop.

Using 4X AA, incredibly the GeForce 4 Ti 4600 more than doubles the performance levels of the Radeon 8500LE at all resolutions.  I'm sure you noticed that both cards appeared to be faster at 1600X1200 with 4X AA than at 1280x1024.  This is due to limitations with both chipsets.  4X AA at 1600x1200 is a little too much for either card to handle, so both cards dropped down to 2X AA to be able to run Quake 3 properly.  NVIDIA has informed us that the 4X AA mode at 1600X1200 resolution is currently non-functional with Quake3 but they plan to fix it soon.

OpenGL Benchmarks with Quake 3 and Anisotropic Filtering
The End is Near!

Up to this point, the Radeon 8500 LE hasn't fared too well against Visiontek's card powered by NVIDIA's flagship GeForce 4 Ti 4600 GPU, but the benchmarks took a dramatic turn once we started testing Quake 3 with Anisotropic filtering enabled (check out this link for a more detailed explanation of how ATi and NVIDIA perform Anisotropic filtering)...

In this test, we enabled 32-Tap Anisotropic filtering in each card's drivers (8X in ATi's drivers, 4X in NVIDIA's).  The GeForce 4 Ti 4600 took an enormous performance hit when Anisotropic filtering was enabled.  The Radeon did slow a bit, but the performance hit was nowhere near as dramatic.  The GeForce 4 Ti dropped about 110FPS at 1280X1024, while the Radeon only dropped about 7FPS!  The performance hit was so significant, the Radeon 8500LE actually outpaced the GeForce 4 Ti 4600 at every resolution!

With 64-Tap Anisotropic filtering enabled (16X in ATi's drivers, 8X in NVIDIA's), the Radeon 8500LE again schooled the GeForce 4 Ti 4600 at every resolution.  It appears that NVIDIA has some major work to do with their drivers before using Anisotropic filtering becomes commonplace on their GPUs.

Some Serious Sam SE...


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